The sustainability grand rounds is a platform for educating university staff and health care workers about how they may improve their delivery of sustainable healthcare. It aims to increase the amount and volume of conversation in relation to this topic. This meeting provides an opportunity to share learnings, understand what is being delivered and what can be done but also a space to help each other overcome obstacles.

  • More information on upcoming speakers to come.

  • More information on upcoming speakers to come.

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting ID: 462 625 275 213
Passcode: yxuvD9


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  • Sustainability Grand Rounds 16/11/2022

    Sustainability Grand Rounds 16/11/2022

    16 November 2022

    Sustainability in Medical Imaging by Lana Van Ray, NUM

    How to start and how to have an impact by Dr Jess Davies

    Co-founder of TRA2SH, Anaesthetist at Austin Health

    PhD candidate and lecturer, Dept Critical Care, University of Melbourne

    Co-chair of Austin executive environmental steering committee