We aim to reduce the environmental impact of the operating room, educate and encourage our colleagues to do the same and promote systems in the hospital to support sustainability.
Alison Graham (Chair)
Anjalee Brahmbhatt
David Olive
Niki Muir
Phillipa Hore
Ann-Maree Barrie
Felicity Benedyka
James Pham
Mey Sun
Amanda Luo
Louise Evans
Rachel Souter
Robyn Ingram
Sarina Henderson
Tess Plant-Thomas
Zoe Butler
Kristian Bulluss
Paul Smith
Matthew Read
Michael Hii
Chris Allen
Pratheep Pappi
The Team
SVH Operating Theatre Subcommittee
From left: Mey Sun, Alison Graham, Chris Allen, Rachel, Sarina Henderson, Zoe Butler
From left: Pretheep Pappi, Tess Plant-Thomas, Robyn Ingram, Amanda Luo
Sustainability wins
Co-mingle recycle bin in tea room
Removing disposable cups from tea room
Vial cap re use in art projects
Stationary recycling in office
Paper recycling in pharmacies and anaesthetic rooms
Metal recycling of aluminum packets and diathermy leads
PVC recycling (face masks, tubing and IV fluid bags)
Reuse of clean sheeting (eg: soft sheet packaging gets reused to catch spills before being thrown away)
Smaller or no “yellow” clinical bins in anaesthesia spaces
Surgeons being more selective about single use equipment
Current issues and ideas
Would like the support and knowledge of a hospital sustainability officer
Would like a Workday module on sustainability education
Sharps protocol for the hospital should be reviewed to reduce what goes into sharps containers
Need process for medication disposal so glass vials can be recycled
Bins shape, colour and labels should be standardised across the hospital
Would like a paper version of the “bluey”
A food dehydrator would help reduce waste hospital wide
Greater utility of Neptune fluid waste system
Soft plastic recycling in the operating rooms
Current activities
Trialing compostable anaesthetic trays
Reducing oxygen tubing length
Considering weekly anaesthetic circuits
Clean gauze trial to reduce packaging generation in non-sterile areas
Activity in the operating theatre
Rationalise sharps bin use
Glass vial recycling
Soft plastic recyling